Energy Management and Conservation

Metering is only one step in the overall process of maximizing energy related investment. Understanding energy use and optimizing efficiency requires other related services that include:

  • Energy Simulation Modelling - DOE2 is an Department of Energy sponsored and maintained energy simulaiton modelling tool that can accurately model facility energy use based on input of variables such as location, weather, mechanical systems, electrical loads, envelope etc. A simulation model is one way to predict the interactive outcome of a number of energy conservation measures.
  • Benchmarking - Comparing actual energy use to top performers in similar facilities quickly identifies how and where energy related investments should be made. The benchmarking process involves summarizing actual energy consumption, normalization the data for weather and comparing against the best performers in similar facilities. Energy Star Portfolio Manager is one available benchmarking tool.
  • Auditting - Competent facility audits performed in accordance with ASHRAE Level II guidlelines are more detailed and rigorous than free audits offered by some utility programs. This helps facility owners make mor einformed decisions regarding energy infrastructure investment.
  • Retro-commissioning and/or Re-commissioning  - The process of testing and adjusting existing systrms to ensure that they perform as intended. Very often, this process will improve building efficiency and comfort with relatively low investment and is the logical first step in any conservation approach.
  • Conservation and Equipment Retro-fit - Investing in new technologies or more efficiently operating systems can have very favorable fianacial incentives. In addition, utility and government sponsored incentive programs can make marginal investments, good ones.

Applicable professional certifications are; CEA (Cerrtified Energy Auditor), EBCP (Existing Building Commissioning Professional) and CMVP (Certified Measurement and Verification Professional).

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Residential Submetering
Commercial Submetering
Industrial Metering
Energy Management and Conservation
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